
Match 651 til 700 fra 1,908

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 #   Notater   Knyttet til 
651 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Familie F400
652 D: 26 Juni Erich Jørgensen Raffn i Kielstrup et barn Vid Naufn Morten, fadder Herritzfoged Hr. Johannes Kid..(?) paa Oluffsskou(?), Klaus Gregersen i Westergaard og Johan Jenses i Grødebøll. Raffn, Morten Erichsen (I1632)
653 D: 26 September Jordet afgangen min formand Sr. Hr Niels Rafn Raben, Nicolas (I071)
654 D: 27 April. Matthias Wulf. Ki Wulf, Marie (I0370)
655 D: 27 Sept. Søren Raffns barn v.n. Jess. Raffn, Jess Sørensen (I1146)
656 D: 28 August (som er Lovises dag) blev jeg Andreas Slange, og Jomf Anna Christina Simonsen af Geilstofft copulerede Familie F512
657 D: 28 dito [okt] Hr Anders Bejerholm Elline Rasmusd fra H ... ... Familie F466
658 D: 29 Juni Anders Jessen og Else (Elsa) Erichsdatter i Wilstrup. Familie F99
659 D: 29 Octobr. Erich Jørgensen Raffn i Nørby Wilstrup vid Naufn Kiersten. faddere N..lle Jakobs i Bortskou, Wolborg Hanses i Wonsmose og Iffuer Raffn* i Haderslef. Raffn, Kirsten Erichsdatter (I1867)
660 D: 29 oktober Blef Rasmus Christoffer begraven ... Kirken(?) i dend Syndergang ved Chordøren og blef ringet for Liiget med alle Klocker. Christoffersen, Rasmus (I1121)
661 D: 29. Carl Petersen Engelbrecht Lind. Født 19 aug. Forældre Johannes Petersen matros:4D:3P: No. 71 og Karen Petersen. Lind, Carl Engelbrecht (I2021)
662 D: 3 Jüni Sepulta den fordum f.lig tillagtboher(?) og tilforn Mand nu Sal: Stephen Simonsen verforordnede Sognfoged i dette Sogn, faa og .... S Severini Kirche Æt 62, 4 Maaneder, 2 Uger. Simonsen, Steffen (I747)
663 D: 3 Maÿ Sognepræst Hr. Peder Tops Kiærste Anna
Maria Kalden ætat: 38 
Calden, Anna Maria (I2510)
664 D: 3 Okt. Jes Andersen i Kiestrup v.n. Anders Jessen, Anders (I1079)
665 D: 30 decembr: Sophie Erichsdatters barn I Wilstrup Begraffen ætate: 32 uger vid Naufn Peter. Raffn, Peter (I1118)
666 D: 30 Octbr. Hans Hansen Ravn i Kiestrup 2de b Hansen, An Catrin (I1233)
667 D: 30 Octbr. Hans Hansen Ravn i Kiestrup 2de børn Vid N. Claus og An Catrine. fad: Jacob Jensen i ... An Christin Hansis i Grødebøll Erich Ravn i Hoptrup Morten Erichsen i Nørby Marie S... og An Mari Sørensd: Kiestrup. Ravn, Claus Hansen (I1232)
668 D: 31 Jul Jep Falsens barn vid nafn Anne Jepsdatter, Anne (I1153)
669 D: 31 Maj blev min Elskværdige kiere Hustru Salig Johanne Louise Slangen begraven, som døde D. 25 Ejusdom, blev 6 om efttermiddagen ... Alder 42 Aar ug ind... Maaneder og 11 Dage. Dend ... fertige Gud hendeop Hos sig udi hans Aand; og hans(?) i. Gud siger med evig glæde og ... ... for vor S.... Jesus Christi Hans Søns skyld Amen Amen ACJ Slange. Outzen, Johanne Louise (I1736)
670 D: 4 Sept. Jep Falsens barn v.n. Gertrud Jepsdatter, Gertrud (I1157)
671 D: 6 .. December. Mr. Andreas Raben, Junior sein Kind Lucia getaufft. Fr. Kriegcommishaium Brandtin Elsabe Schi.tes Johannes Simonsen. Raben, Lucia (I1097)
672 D: 6 Mai Morten Iffuers I Houdst barn vid Navfn Maren fadere Maren S Mortensdatter, Maren (I1275)
673 D: 7 October Jørgen Jenssen Raffn Boel Jepsdatter i Nørbye. Familie F108
674 D: 8 April Jep Falsens barn v.n. Mary
Jepsdatter, Mary (I1152)
675 d: 8 August begrave Sr. Christen ..... i Willest(?) for mig en Liden Søn noie Jens Peter Som døde paa Lundgaard gamel 7 uge x dage Som ceremoni ved jords paakasten. Raben, Jens Peter (I0987)
676 Da jeg ikke kan finde Johanne Lerches begravelse i kirkebøgerne i Helsingør, antager jeg, at Langholz har ret i, at hun døde og blev begravet i Nysted. Kirkebogen for Nysted sogn er flere steder meget utydelig og fuld af lakuner. Se notat nederst. Lerche, Johanne Knudsdatter (I1803)
677 Danes, The started their eastern trading activities in the early seventeenth century. King Christian IV of Denmark founded the Danish Company of the Indies by a letter patent issued on 17 March 1616. Till 1640, only 18 Danish ships were sent to India that brought back spices, porcelains, diamonds etc. Rolald Grappe, the chief of the company, set up a factory at Pipli in 1625, followed by another at Balasore. The Danes did not have a farman and hence their relation with the local officials began to deteriorate soon. In 1642, local inhabitants ransacked the Pipli factory and the Danes had to leave both Pipli and Balasore. The situation worsened when a Danish ship, St. Jacob, wanted to anchor at Pipli in a violent storm. The faujdar refused permission and the ship was scuttled with loss of sixteen persons. The faujdar rejected the demand for compensation and the Danes began to seize ships and boats on the Bengal coast. Between 1638 and 1645, the Danes had captured seven ships. Excepting one of 180 tons, the rest were sampans, which hardly produced the result the Danes were looking for. Other Europeans, particularly the dutch, were against such attacks.
In 1645 shah shuja, the subahdar of Bengal, offered to pay Rs 80,000/- as compensation, which was refused by the Danes. Till the end of 1646, the piracy and the negotiations continued. A settlement was probably reached at the end of 1647. With the death of King Christian IV in 1648, the company got into difficulties in Denmark.
Meanwhile Danish piracy was continuing on the Bengal coast. In 1661, they captured a Bengal ship laden with rich cargo. The crew and the passengers were sold as slaves at Achen. Even Dutch mediation did not bring any settlement. By 1670, thirtty Bengal ships were captured or scuttled by the Danes. By 1676, an agreement was reached allowing the Danes to settle at Pipli, Balasore and Hughli. The Mughal emperor approved of it and fixed the payment of 2BD % as custom duties. The Danes now began to plan for the purchase of silk, opium and saltpetre from Bengal. They would sell Tranquebar salt, European copper, iron and spirits in Bengal. The settlement did not last and the Danes began their piracy after evacuating Balasore.
While the demand for Bengal sugar, saltpetre and textile was increasing in Denmark, the company began negotiations with Bengal authorities from 1690. AndrE9 Andras could sign the accord in 1698 by which the company would forsake all claims for compensation and enjoy earlier commercial privileges. They were permitted to set up a factory near Chandernagore, which was called Danemarknagar. The warehouse and other buildings were enclosed by a wall and the number of personnel was nearly forty. The company however never received the promised farman.
It appears that the freight trade from Bengal to Tranquebar did not bring any profit. The project of the Bengal factor, Jean Jonchim, who had bought a big ship, was unsuccessful. Some of the factors acted so highhandedly with the local inhabitants, often maltreating the Bengali employees, two of whom died as a result, that serious problems arose. Wolf Ravn, one of the factors, was condemned by the company and was imprisoned for life. The report of the Danish governor, Erasmus Hansen Attrup, who came as governor in 1711, found the factory without stock and without credit while the local inhabitants were determined to drive the Danes away.
The Danish settlement in Bengal, about one and half mile from Chandernagore, had been receiving immigrants, and the Danes had begun to settle people in nearby villages before any permission was received from the subahdar. After several years, ththe Bengal government demanded rent from these villages, including arrears. In October 1714, on the refusal of the Danes to pay, the Karori Ramkrishna Ray led an attack, which was easily repulsed. Another attack by him in December also failed. B By that time the Danes had no funds as no ship had come for several years. Their complaint to murshid quli khan was turned down. The Danes then evacuated their settlement and seized a big Moor ship rich in cargo, in front of Baranagar. They then collected about 350 Christian mercenaries and moved towards the mouth of the river. Attempts by the English and the French to mediate failed.
As a result the settlement of Danemarknagar was plundered by the faujdar of Hughli. Before leaving the Ganges, Attrup had declared war on the Mughals and accused Ramkrishna Karori of having received Rs 30,000 for the farman which he never delivevered. Peace however came by the end of 1716 and the Danes again took possession of their settlement, in which there was no commerce. Without funds and without commerce, the factors ceased to have any noticeable existence. In 1721, the Danes sold their factory to the portuguese. The local authorities however took possession of the factory on the plea that the required payment had not been made.
Till 1744, the Danes made unsuccessful efforts to re-establish their settlement at Danemarknagar. However, in 1755, Alivardi Khan permitted the Danes to settle at Serampore, thanks to the mediation of the English, who were interested in sending money accrued from their private commerce to Europe through the Danes. Englishmen like robert clive, warren hastings, robert orme and others had collaborated with the Danes through country trading in the pre-Palashi period by sending Danish bills of exchange, prepared at Tranquebar, to Europe. As a result, the Danes never lacked cash for their trading venture in Bengal.
After 1757, the Danes like other non-English Europeans, found difficulties in freighting non-English ships, while the English monopolised the saltpetre and opium trade. In 1777, the Danish King took over the company and allowed Danish private memerchants to trade in Asia. During the American war of Independence, the Danish company could increase their export from Bengal as a neutral country. With the peace in 1783, the situation changed and the Danes began to face stiff competition from other European nations. From 1785, Serampore was receiving American ships and missionaries. From the 1790s, Serampore became a centre of proselytisation and literary activities. The serampore mission, serampore mission press and serampore college had a far reaching effect on the social, religious and cultural life of Bengal. [Aniruddha Ray]
Posted by Hridoye Bangladesh at 12:58 0 comments 
Ravn, Wulf (I678)
678 Danmarks kirker Købelev s. 513 - Epitafi. Top, Jacob Pedersen (I2547)
679 Danmarks kirker Nysted kirke side 199
Gravminde 8) 1649. Mette Ifvers Daatter, død 28. maj 1641, og hendes første mand Hans Pedersen, forhen rådmand, død 3. april 1637, samt deres søn Peder Hansen, død 10. marts 1638; stenen blev bekostet 1649 af hendes anden mand Mathias von Westen, rådmand i Nysted, og hans anden hustru Citzel Knuds Daatter. I kirkens midtergang under den midterste lysekrone. 
Ivfersdatter, Mette (I2328)
680 Dansk biografisk Lexicon:
Petersen (Petræus), Jørgen, ?o.1587, Præst, var født i Aabenraa. Han er formodentlig den Georgius Petri, der 1550 blev ordineret til Præst af Biskop Tileman v. Hussen i Slesvig. Maaske er han bleven Kapellan i Tønder; her blev han i alt Fald Sognepræst 1554 efter Friseren M. Vincentius Alberti, og 1561 kaldedes han af Hertug Hans den ældre tillige til Provst i Tønder Provsti. Under de Forhandlinger, der 1576 førtes vedrørende Spørgsmaalet om Indførelse af et nyt Bekjendelsesskrift (Formula concordiæ) i de hertugelige Lande, afgav J. P. paa sin Landsherres Forlangende en Erklæring, der fraraadede Antagelsen. Hans Død sættes sædvanlig til 2. Avg. 1585; men han er dog vistnok først død i Febr. 1587, ved hvilken Lejlighed han betegnes som Magister (Muhlius, Diss. hist.-theol. S. 204). I sit Ægteskab med en Datter af Provst Joh. Meiger i Rensborg havde han 3 Døtre, af hvilke en blev gift med hans Eftermand, Provst Anders Thomesen i Tønder, en med M. Jacob Fabricius, Generalsuperintendent i de gottorpske Lande, en tredje med Biskop Peder Hegelund i Ribe. H.F. Rørdam. 
Petræus, Provst Jørgen (I2095)
681 Dat 11te April Huusmand Jens Hansen af Tyelse en Søn Ole - bar Hans Ols datter Lisbeth - faddere Christen Jensen og Jesper Larsen alle af Tyelse. Jensen, Ole (I495)
682 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Munk, Helene Margrethe (I1814)
683 Datter af proprietær Jens Ravn i Vilstrup Sogn. Vedr. denne oplysning henviser Aage Dahl til Rhode: Haderslev Amt s. 308. Raffn, Kirsten Jensdatter (I0268)
684 David må være en af sønnerne på epitafiet 1647 i Vilstrup kirke. Der er ikke fundet skriftlige efterretninger om David Rauffn efter 1639. Rauffen, David (I2271)
685 December 11. Der Landmann Claus Christian Jensen in Dravit ehl. Sohn des Minthinsten Lorentz Jensen in Bedstedt und die Johanne Marie geb. Christensen. Geb. 1. November 1851. Get. 13. Noebr. 1851. Conf. 4 April 1867.
mit der dienstmagd. Bertha Schablowski in (F)raustedt ehel. Tochter des Losmanns Ferdinan Schablowski in Leipellsken und der Caroline geb. Matke. geb. 5 juni 1868. get. 21 juni 1863 [ingen læsefejl] Conf. 11. december 1890 in Løgumkloster. 
Familie F780
686 Decembr:
3. Hans Sohn indsat i sin Faders Graf
tillige med sin Moder ............... 20: -: -
for Klockernes Kierkens ............. -: 2: 5 
Sohn, Fru Claus (I1862)
687 Decembr:
3. Hans Sohn indsat i sin Faders Graf
tillige med sin Moder ............... 20: -: -
for Klockernes Kierkens ............. -: 2: 5 
Sohn, Hans (I1863)
688 Defponsati Anno 1683. 15 Feb. Jørgen Rafn. Kirsten Jens Datter.
Copulati Anno 1683. D. 12 Juli Jørgen Raffn af Grødebøl. Kirsten Jens Datter I Nørby. 
Familie F159
689 Defuncti Anno 1701. D. 21 Oktober Jens Raffn. N Raffn, Jens (I1110)
690 Degns Daatter. Nafn Johanne Margrethe
Giertrud Hr. Jensis førde hende Mette
Daniels holt hende. Simmon Gerdes
og Sarra Simmonsd vare fadere. 
Gerdes, Johanne Margrethe (I2368)
691 Den 1 Oktober. Maren Landboelsmand Niels Andersen ... i Kiestrup Hans Hustru afg. Gaardmand Sven Nielsen og afg. Maren Erichsdatter deres Svensdatter, Maren (I1284)
692 Den 10 dito lod hende komme till den hellige dob i Helsingörs kirke quinde fader till samme lille daater, Katrinne peter Kliens och Christina Iffuer Rauffs, Mand fäderne Johan won Bürg och Söffren Christensen. Piil, Gundel (I1762)
693 Mindst én nulevende eller privat person er knyttet til denne note - Detaljer er udeladt. Familie F544
694 Den 12 September meine Hochzeit gewesen mit Jungf Dorothea Elisabeth Klinge Familie F244
695 Den 17de Søndag e. Trin
Gaardm. Niels Jensen
og Karen Anders D:
Søn fød D. 5 Sept: hiem
medøbt D: 8 ej: kaldet .... Otto
baaren af Gaardm: Jens
Jørgensens hustru ibidem

Christian Winter
Jens Jørgensen
Hans Christensen
Nielsen, Otto (I2019)
696 Den 19 aug 1688 prædiker han for sidstegang for de kongelige siddende pga hans svagelighed. Han rammes af et slagtilfælde og slutter sin prædiken med orderne: "Velsignet være Kirken, velsignet være fædrelandet og velsignet være Kongen". Han dør den fire dage senere. Leth, Præst Hans Sørensen (I1938)
697 Den 21 Febr. Sal. Hr. Jacobi Cas... alders 63 .... Caspergaard, Jacob Clausen (I2339)
698 Den 21 Juni Bertrams Raffns Hustru i Houst Ætat 40 Aar. Jessdatter, Maren (I1279)
699 den 22 Febr. Peder Hansen Vinum. fød d 3 Febr. Hiemmedøbt samme dag. Forældre: Peder Vinum og Magrethe Pederd. af Mellerup. Faddere: Peder Pedersen af Tanderup, Hans Nissen af Hamsted(?) og Maren Hanses af Mellerup. Vinum, Peder Hansen (I28)
700 Den 23 Maj in der Kirche Erik Ravnskjær kätner in O. Aastrup, geb ... 5' oktober 1889 in Aastrp, getauft der 10 November 1889 ... und konfirmiert der 27 Marz 1904. Else Marie Christine Hansen, haushalterin in Aastrup, geboren der 31 Oktober 1886 in Haberleben und getauft der 26 December 1886, konfirmiert in Jels der 31 Marz 1904. 25 April 1913 Sillerup. Familie F219

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